フォーム 予約 決済 メルマガなど集客機能がオールインワン!
Plus Voice Creation presents Japan Music WAVE, a joint concert performed by a variety of Japanese musicians living in Sydney and Japan.
The highlight of this concert is Nami Takata from Tokyo, Japan, a professional vocalist known for her program theme songs, CD productions, and stage and media appearances.
Audiences will be delighted to see these Japanese musicians playing music in a variety of styles, including Japanese pop, folk, classic rock, Okinawan music, Hawaiian music, jazz, classic and musical theme songs.
We hope the concert will be an enjoyable time together with not just the local audiences but also more people who are big fans of music.
シドニーで活躍する日本人ミュージシャンのステージ / Sydney Japanese Musicians
Flower Angels
AlHiro Acoustic Duo
Manly Hula
シドニーさくら合唱団 The Sydney Sakura Choir
Tin Tun Ten
田中 誠 Makoto Tanaka
歌手(POPS、STANDARD)、作詞・作曲。富山県富山市出身。バイオリンとの二人組ユニットSoraを結成し、地元のイベント出演活動の傍ら、自身のFM番組も6年間務める。数々のTVドラマや番組主題歌を歌うなどの活動を経て、拠点を東京に移し、日本コロムビアからソロデビュー。渋谷JZ Bratでのライブ活動も続け、毎回ソールドアウト。また、TV朝日の音楽番組で声のアドバイザーとして出演したり、TV神奈川で健康番組のナビゲーターも務めるなど、メディアやイベント、ライブMCにおいても、その落ち着いた声とトークが好評を得ている。現在は音楽活動の傍ら、尚美学園大学の音楽表現学科で講師も務める。
Nami Takata is a Japanese singer (POPS, STANDARD), songwriter/composer, who was born in Toyama, Japan. Nami’s career started in Toyama. She formed Sora with a violinist, then she appeared in some local events and she also had her own program at an FM radio station for 6 years. After many activities such as singing TV drama and program theme songs, she moved her base to Tokyo and made her solo debut with Columbia Japan. She continued her live activities at Shibuya JZ Brat and the tickets were sold out every time. She also appeared as a voice trainer on TV Asahi's music program.She is also a presenter of health programs on TV Kanagawa, media and events where her calm voice and demeanour have been well received. Besides her musical activities, she is also currently a lecturer in the Department of Music Expression at Shobi Gakuen University.
AlHiro Acoustic / Electric Duo は、さまざまな曲を独自のアレンジでカバー演奏しています。シドニーを拠点としており、Alはギター演奏、Hiroは歌とキーボード担当です。バラードからダンスミュージックまで、幅広くさまざまな状況で楽しんでいただける音楽が特徴です。
AlHiro Acoustic / Electric Duo performs wide range cover songs with unique arrangements! It’s a Sydney based band, Al playes the guitar and Hiro sings with playing the Keyboard. From Ballad to Dance tune, we entertain audience for many occasions!
トリオボーカル Sumiko. Naoko ピアノ Miho
私達は同じ歳の3人組。2018年 ナーシングホーム、デイケアセンターで、体操やダンスを交えて楽しくコンサートの開催を主目的に結成。日本人コミュニティや祭り等にも出演。レパートリーは、映画音楽、ミュージカル、クラシック、50~60年代をはじめ様々な年代のポップス、唱歌、フォーク等とバラエティにとんでいます。心に歌と笑顔と幸せをお届けする事を生きがいに楽しく活動しています。今回はナーシングホームで歌ってきた曲の中から、お届け致します!
The Flower Angels is a duet-on-piano concert unit of the same age trio. Vocalist - Sumiko, NaokoPianist - MihoWe've held concerts at nursing homes and elderly care centres, and shared joy of singing, exercising, and dancing with the elderly audiences. Our repertoire covers old and new pops, folk songs, musicals, classics, and easy jazz. We will display the touch of our concert at nursing homes!
AlHiro Acoustic / Electric Duo は、さまざまな曲を独自のアレンジでカバー演奏しています。シドニーを拠点としており、Alはギター演奏、Hiroは歌とキーボード担当です。バラードからダンスミュージックまで、幅広くさまざまな状況で楽しんでいただける音楽が特徴です。
AlHiro Acoustic / Electric Duo performs wide range cover songs with unique arrangements! It’s a Sydney based band, Al playes the guitar and Hiro sings with playing the Keyboard. From Ballad to Dance tune, we entertain audience for many occasions!
「ティントゥンテン」は沖縄出身のホー紅美子が立ち上げたオンライン三線教室で、オンラインレッスンの他、シドニーの各種イベントにて沖縄音楽を披露しています。今回のJapan Music Waveでは、同じく沖縄出身で琉球舞踊の踊り手として有名な當間怜奈さんとコラボを組み、沖縄民謡と踊りをお届けします。
TinTunTen was founded by Kumiko, originally from Okinawa. She teaches and performs Okinawan music in Sydney to spread her love of Okinawa. She's performing with Reina Toma, a renowned Okinawan Dancer.
2013年の誕生日プレゼントにウクレレを貰ったことをきっかけに、ハワイアンミュージックの大ファンとなる。その後、ウクレレとギターのデュエット”Manly Hula”としてシドニーを中心にバー、クラブ、イベント等にてハワイ語・英語・日本語でハワイアンソングの演奏している。より多くの観客の皆様に、Alohaを感じてもらえるようなパフォーマンスをすることを目標に活動しています。
My Hawaiian musical journey started in 2013. Since then I have performed for bars, clubs and events as “Manly hula” Duo. My dream is to sing to a wider audience, touching them with heart-felt performances.
在豪28年。中学2年の頃、中村雅俊の『ふれあい』を弾いてみたくてギターを始める。レパートリーは70-80年代の日本のフォークを中心にビートルズやサイモンとガーファンクルまで幅広い。シドニーの日本人コミュニティに大勢の音楽仲間やファンを持ち、Japanese Festival (Darling Harbour, Chatswood, Parramatta) 、日本食レストラン、日本企業パーティー、個人パーティー、結婚パーティー等での弾き語りで引っ張りだこ。歌う毎に自分の思いを込めることを大事にしている。
Makoto Tanaka has been in Sydney for 28 years. When Makoto was in the second year of high school, he started playing the guitar because he wanted to play Masatoshi Nakamura's "Fureai".His repertoire includes the '70s and '80s Japanese folk songs, the Beatles and Simon & Garfunkel. He has a large fan base in the Japanese community in Sydney and has performed at Japanese Matsuri Festivals (Darling Harbor, Chatswood, Parramatta), Japanese restaurants, Japanese corporate parties, private parties and wedding parties etc... Makoto's pure voice, his guitar playing and choice of music will give you nostalgic feel and may evoke many memories.
2013年の誕生日プレゼントにウクレレを貰ったことをきっかけに、ハワイアンミュージックの大ファンとなる。その後、ウクレレとギターのデュエット”Manly Hula”としてシドニーを中心にバー、クラブ、イベント等にてハワイ語・英語・日本語でハワイアンソングの演奏している。より多くの観客の皆様に、Alohaを感じてもらえるようなパフォーマンスをすることを目標に活動しています。
My Hawaiian musical journey started in 2013. Since then I have performed for bars, clubs and events as “Manly hula” Duo. My dream is to sing to a wider audience, touching them with heart-felt performances.
The Sydney Sakura Choir is a community choir that sings with the aim of contributing to the goodwill of Australia and Japan through songs and conveying encouragement and deep emotion through songs. They sing songs from various countries such as English songs, Italian songs, German songs, Finnish songs, etc., and centering on Japanese songs. The Sydney Sakura Choir values the connections between members and sings happily together, regardless of age or gender. They participate in various events such as charity events, cultural events, and community festivals.
大阪府出身、在豪歴13年。大学時代に曲を書く楽しさを覚え、それ以来曲を書き続けている。フォークソングが好きで、曲調もどこか懐かしいフォー クソング。2022年6月24日に田中誠氏との共演で初コンサートを実現。
Akki was born in Osaka and has been in Australia for 13 years. He found joy in writing songs when he was a university student and he has been creating songs ever since. For him, playing music is his self-expression. He likes Japanese folk songs and his songs have a nostalgic melody. He achieved his 1st concert in a collaboration with Makoto Tanaka on 24th June 2022.
大阪府出身、在豪歴13年。大学時代に曲を書く楽しさを覚え、それ以来曲を書き続けている。フォークソングが好きで、曲調もどこか懐かしいフォー クソング。2022年6月24日に田中誠氏との共演で初コンサートを実現。
Akki was born in Osaka and has been in Australia for 13 years. He found joy in writing songs when he was a university student and he has been creating songs ever since. For him, playing music is his self-expression. He likes Japanese folk songs and his songs have a nostalgic melody. He achieved his 1st concert in a collaboration with Makoto Tanaka on 24th June 2022.
Venue | Seymour Centre, Sound Lounge |
Address | Cnr City Rd and Cleveland St Chippendale NSW 2008 |
Box Office | 02 9061 5344 |
Box Office | 02 9061 5344 |